Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Are The Different Hindi Dialects Spoken in India and Which Should I Learn

What Are The Different Hindi Dialects Spoken in India and Which Should I Learn Which of the Hindi Dialects of India Should You Learn? ChaptersWhat is the Hindi Belt?Hindi and Urdu: One Language, Two Languages or Two Dialects?Learning Hindi: Hindi Dialects in IndiaIndian Hindi Creoles and PidginsHindi Dialects Outside of the Indian SubcontinentWhich Hindi Dialect Should You Learn?It’s hard enough to try and figure out which language of India you should learn - Sindhi, Telugu, or Tamil? Or maybe Punjabi? Is it easier to learn an Indo-European language or will you dare to try one from the Dravidian language family?But once you have decided on Hindustani as the language in India with the most speakers and as being the most universally understood, you still find yourself confronted with the question:Is there only one dialect of Hindi? If not, which should you learn?Superprof is here to help! if not, or if you already speak and read Arabic and don’t want to learn another new alphabet, Urdu is the way to go. You’ll be understood on either side of the border anyway.However, if you are more interested on an academic l evel, you will notice greater differences in the language of poetry and literature, and you will have to consider whether you prefer Muslim literature or Hindu literature. However, if you find yourself in a bind and can’t decide - and don’t mind studying on the other side of the Pond - the University of Texas offers combined Hindi-Urdu language programs.Hindi is written using the Devanagar script. Photo credit: on VisualHuntIf you choose Hindi, it’s probably best to stick with the standardised version. Everyone in the Hindi Belt and much of North India will understand standardised Hindi, and if you are moving to India you will soon pick up the local dialect - it’s easier to find Hindi lessons near you than a teacher who speaks Awadhi or Bundeli.However, if you are moving to Fiji or the Andaman Islands, finding a tutor who can teach you the local Creole is the way to go - maybe you can find Fiji Hindi class online to help you out.Whichever you choose, when learn ing Hindi, make certain that your teacher or language coach speaks Hindi as his or her mother tongue. Many Indians understand Hindi (Bollywood again) but didn’t grow up speaking it. They might have a good grasp of Hindi vocabulary, maybe even speak it relatively fluently, but they won’t know the finer points of grammar and idiom the way a native speaker would.

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